Cindy F.

21 years

Grade Levels

High School

Tutoring Specialties



My name is Cindy Facterman. I am passionate about helping students craft strong written voices that are articulate and academic. I believe all students can be successful in the English classroom and that each student may need different tools and teaching/learning techniques to be successful.

Teacher Specialization

I have been a teacher (in both brick and mortar and online) for the last 21 years. I have both a B.A. and M.A. in English, and am a certified International Baccalaurete Instructor and am a Teacher Consultant for the National Writing Project. Over the last 21 years, I have taught IB 1 and IB II English courses, AP Language, AP Literature, honors ELA courses at every level, Creative Writing, as well as English 10 and English 9.


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