Scott H.

22 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School, Middle School, High School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Learning Disabilities


Hello! I am so excited to introduce myself to you and begin our learning legacy together! I am a passionate, experienced educator, and I find so much joy in making an impact in the lives of students! I believe in meeting students where they are, respecting their unique needs, and developing personalized plans and goals to help them progress. My strengths include elementary literacy and math. I engage students with whole brain learning and by incorporating my skills as a musician into the lesson. I like to play the ukulele and sing with students to help reinforce concepts. I also like to use different forms of technology to make the lessons more interactive and interesting. I use software to apply special effects and overlays to the screen to capture the attention of students. I pride myself as well on providing valuable feedback to all learning parties to help communicate progress and make additional goals. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you!

Teacher Specialization

Degrees in both Elementary Education and Music Education (as well as 24 credit hours in Ed Tech) 6 years Elementary Music Education 9 years Elementary General Education (Kindergarten all, 1st Grade all, 2nd Grade all, 4th/5th Humanities and Writing, 5th/6th Math) 4 years Homeschool Teacher (Grades 1st through 8th) 5 years Online Teacher (Elementary Reading, English as a Foreign Language) 5 years Private Tutor (all subjects grades K-8) 1 year Online Tutor (all subjects grades K-12)


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