Cheryl F.

20 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School, Middle School, High School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Learning Disabilities


Hello, thank you for choosing Stride Tutoring! I’m a published author who enjoys reading nonfiction and writing self-help eBooks! Like author Robert Louis Stevenson, “I always keep two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in.” My goal as an instructor is to help learners understand a given concept and connect that concept with their daily life. I believe that learning occurs through our interactions with others and our experiences. I have a passion for teaching reading and writing and welcome the opportunity to help you master your English language arts skills. Let’s begin our tutoring journey…Talk Soon!

Teacher Specialization

I have twenty years of experience serving diverse learning communities, as an educator and administrator. I possess a Doctor of Education, Master of Education with an English as a Second Language Supplemental, and B.S.M.E. I’m a freelance writer with 20 plus years’ experience in technical writing and publishing, I help individuals embrace their writing styles and master writing objectives. I specialize in English Language Learners, reading literacy, elementary and secondary writing.


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