Danielle W.

16 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School, Middle School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Learning Disabilities


Hello and welcome. I am Mrs. Wilson. I have 5 kids, 4 boys and 1 girl, 5 dogs, and am a Disney fanatic. Having taught virtual school for 5 years, I find virtual learning to be amazing. I am excited to be your tutor. I am passionate about education and work hard to make sure my students are engaged and learning. I work with students to fill in gaps in learning to ensure mastery of concepts. My classes are fun and student centered. I believe it is important to get to know your students and allow them to get to know you. During math, I teach the vocabulary associated with math so that students are able to speak the "language of math" to help in understanding. I believe all students can learn. I can't wait to meet you in my classroom and look forward to learning together!

Teacher Specialization

I have experience teaching K-8th grade. I have a master's degree in education and am certified in elementary education (k-6th grade), math grades 5-9, exceptional student education, gifted, reading, and ESOL. I have taught virtual school for 5 years and love it.


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