Wendy H.

12 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities


Welcome! I have been married for 30 years and have 2 dogs: Libby and Freddy. My husband and I love doing underwater videography and I play piano. As an educator, I believe students learn at different levels and speeds but are all capable of learning, especially when given extra help. Learning should be fun which requires differentiating instruction for students that incorporates real-world experiences in which students can understand. Providing students with meaningful feedback brings the making of mistakes to a new way of learning. Incorrect answers give a way to grow in understanding. Student goals include understanding student foundational knowledge so able to build on the foundation. Students can be taught to use creativity in their learning by associating learning with their real-world activities. I love incorporating daily activities into my teaching so students practice comprehension of subject matter while enjoying learning in their daily lives.

Teacher Specialization

I have a Master in Elementary Education and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership with focus on curriculum and instruction (both from University of Phoenix). In my 12 years as an elementary school teacher, I have been privileged to work with students and teachers in a variety of grade levels. I have taught 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 6th grade math and science. I have also had the opportunity to serve as a math coach to a team of 4th grade teachers. I tutored students in math for 1 year.


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