Grade Levels
Elementary School, Middle School, High School
Tutoring Specialties
ADD & ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities
Students learn best in a safe environment and through a variety of instructional strategies tailored to their learning style. Frequent and timely feedback provides course corrections early enough to keep us on track without having to unlearn distracting errors. I know, because my students and I have done that for the past 15 years. My name is Amanda Valluri. I am a reader, a singer, a swimmer and a homesteader. Homesteaders can still be teachers who make a difference in the heart of one child, and I want that.
Teacher Specialization
I have taught for over 15 years, 13 of which were in Special Education: 1 year of 9-12 grade AA unit, 10 years in a K-3 AAunit, 1 year in 7-8 AA unit and two years in general education (kindergarten and second grade). I also taught virtually during COVID.