Amber H.

8 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School, Middle School, High School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Learning Disabilities


Hello, my name is Amber Henry. I believe that having a good sense of humor is essential for good teaching. I am passionate about education and I have found that comedy is an effective tool for encouraging student engagement and building positive relationships. Because I believe that everyone's educational journey is unique, I create lessons that meet the specific needs of the individual learner. I do this by getting to know my students and creating lessons that incorporate their personal interests and individual learning styles, with their academic goals. I make strong use of visuals and graphics to explain concepts, convey ideas, and build language skills along with interactive lessons that allow students to engage and explore newly learned concepts and skills. I have spent many years making reading, writing, social studies, and math accessible and enjoyable to even the most reluctant of learners.

Teacher Specialization

Special Education Teacher/English Language Arts/Multiple Subject-Middle/High School: 5 years General Education High School English Language Arts Teacher: 1 year Substitute Teacher/All subject matters/All grade levels: 3 years Bachelor of Arts in English Master of Arts in Teaching Single Subject Teaching Credential: English Language Arts K-12 Education Specialist Instruction Credential K-12


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