Grade Levels
Elementary School, Middle School
Tutoring Specialties
Hello, my name is Amber Rodriguez and I look forward to beginning our learning journey together. My hobbies include reading and writing, and sharing that joy with other. When we are able to read, we are able to unlock the world of learning, and writing gives us a voice to express ourselves. I chose to become a tutor because it is my belief that all children can learn and be successful. The best way for students to learn is to engage with high quality instruction and high expectations. All students are able to excel through scaffolds and differentiation tailored to the individual's learning style. Feedback is always direct to ensure that students are practicing correctly. It is my goal that through tutoring I can tailor to the needs of each student. I want to make sure that all of my students feel safe and confident, as much of learning is done through the courage to make mistakes. I hope that my students are confident enough to make mistakes and unlock their full potential.
Teacher Specialization
I have a master's in Educational Psychology which helps me to understand how the brain learns and retains information. I have taught at the elementary level for 11 years. I partnered with the University of Nevada to mentor first year teachers throughout my district for 3 years. I have also been a learning strategist, where I provide best teaching practices to my school for past 2 years. It is important to stay up to date on the latest research, to ensure that we are teaching our best.