Cameetra B.

16 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School

Tutoring Specialties

Dyslexia, Autism, Learning Disabilities, ADD & ADHD


I truly believe that students will flourish when given a safe and non-judgmental environment. I aim to meet my students at their current level and scaffold toward our goals by providing constructive feedback. I desire to demonstrate how Math is relevant to my students' lives. In my tutoring sessions, I aim to increase student confidence and critical thinking skills. I am very excited and focused on increasing Math comprehension for all of my students. I feel that I can develop very meaningful relationships with my students by demonstrating that I am interested in their lives and ideas. I have been a teacher for over 15 years! I participated in a week-long obstacle training course in order to teach my students about taking risks and being a supportive teammate. I will provide more individualized help, so my students become more confident in Math.

Teacher Specialization

I have been an educator for over 15 years. I am certified to teach general education to early childhood through 4th grade. I am also certified to teach Special Education, Gifted & Talented, and English as a Second Language for early childhood through 12th grade. I was selected to represent my campus as Teacher of the Year in 2018. My extensive experience and training help me to differentiate my instruction.


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