Christi S.

21 years

Grade Levels

Middle School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Learning Disabilities


Hello my name is Dr. Christi Salas, Ph.D. I have taught outside (when I was a PE teacher), online (for my independent studies students and University students), and in person (in my current position). My approach to preparing lessons and anticipating students' questions reflects a thoughtful, student-centered teaching philosophy. I prioritize creating an environment where students feel comfortable asking questions, seeking help, and fostering a positive learning experience. I have expertise in various learning strategies, including Positive Behavioral Instructional Strategies, Restorative Justice, and the Transformational Learning Model. I was awarded Teacher of the Year for 2020 and earned a place in the Who's Who for the 2022 publication. I am passionate and committed to education, making a positive impact on the lives of my students. I bring over 20 years of experience into my every lesson. Over the years, I learned what does and doesn't work with students.

Teacher Specialization

I have taught Kindergarten through Eighth grade. I was a part of the reading intervention team, taught math at all levels, taught science and social studies for middle school students, was a computer teacher, and is currently an art teacher. I have also worked at the University level online for 13 years. I earned my doctoral degree 13 years ago and constantly use research to better help the students I am serving.


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