Erika C.

3 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School


Learning can be made fun, especially when there are positive, encouraging teachers to guide the way. As a tutor, I use a variety of teaching styles to find what works with my students: sometimes it's direct instruction, sometimes it's building excitement about learning, and sometimes it's making sure they have the right attitude and confidence in themselves. Every student is a person first and a test-taker second, so I treat them like people by offering encouragement when they need it and high-fives when they've done well. My goal as a tutor is to build connections with my students—to be respected as someone who cares deeply about them and wants to help them succeed.

Teacher Specialization

I am a Spelman College and Mercer University graduate with three years of teaching experience. I have taught first grade for three years. I've tutored students in preschool through second grade.


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