Erika T.

5 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School, Middle School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Learning Disabilities


My name is Erika Taylor. I grew up in North Carolina, but am currently living in Chicago, IL. In addition to teaching, I've also worked in sales, marketing, content creation, & fashion; however, teaching has always been my main passion. Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to be the type of teacher that students could not only learn from, but also rely on to support them, encourage them, and help them become more confident in themselves both in and outside the classroom. Throughout my teaching career, I believe I've been able to do all of the above by building a rapport with students, meeting them where they're at and differentiate lessons/assignments accordingly, as well as keeping a positive attitude and celebrating both small and big wins. My goal in tutoring is to have students feel more confident after each session and show growth along the way, both in the subject we're studying and in themselves.

Teacher Specialization

With 5 years of teaching experience, I've worked with 6th-8th grade students in Social Studies & taught 5th grade summer school. I also taught AVID to 6th-8th grade students, which is a college & career prep class that focuses on improving skills such as vocabulary development, organization, writing, study skills & more. All of which honed my ability to tailor instruction to students' specific needs & foster a growth-oriented virtual learning environment.


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