Felicia J.

17 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Learning Disabilities


Greetings! I am Mrs. Justice, and I am so thrilled to be your tutor this semester. My goals are to create a meeting space that encourages you to ask questions, inspires you to learn, and gives you tools and confidence to ace all of your assignments. Our tutoring sessions will be awesome as they will give you greater insight on what you’re learning in class. I know you’ll leave our sessions feeling empowered and ready to tackle each lesson your teacher has to offer and blast every test! I’m excited to meet you!!!

Teacher Specialization

My career began in 2007 as I embarked upon my journey as an on-campus tutor. Since 2008, I've made a difference in the lives of students ranging from Kindergarten to 4th grade in each core subject. My expertise awarded me the role of Reading Instructional Specialist allowing me to coach teachers and provide small group instruction to students. I attribute my success to the following: “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” - Ignacio “Nacho” Estrada


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