Grade Levels
Elementary School, Middle School
Tutoring Specialties
Choosing to become a tutor is more than just a career move; it's a personal commitment to education that revolves around each student's unique journey. My goal? To spark that love for learning and nurture individual growth and curiosity in every student. I'm not just after academic success; I'm customizing each learning experience to match personal styles. It's not only about hitting the books but also about fostering critical thinking and unlocking creativity in every student I work with. Creating a supportive environment is at the heart of what I do. It's about building connections. I'm all about cultivating positive and meaningful relationships with students. It's not just a classroom; it's a community where open communication, empathy, and dedication to each student's unique needs form the very foundation of our learning adventure.
Teacher Specialization
Over my 20-year teaching career, I've spent 13 years as a general education teacher, followed by 5 years specializing in Gifted and Talented (GT) education. I also had the enriching experience of teaching English as a Foreign Language for 2 years in Switzerland. A proud graduate of the University of Northern Colorado, where I earned both my bachelor's and master's degrees, my commitment to education runs deep.