Heather B.

32 years

Grade Levels

Middle School, High School

Tutoring Specialties

Learning Disabilities, Autism


With over 30 years of experience in education, working with students in small groups or individually has always been a favorite way of helping my students find success and grow in their confidence and learning. Students are the heart and foundation of everything I do as an educator. Finding the path that helps unlock learning for the individual learner is a joy. The key, I have found, is that each learner takes a different path in their learning journey and by facilitating the learning process rather than focusing on memorizing facts, my students are apt to develop strengths for learning that lead to continued successes. I utilize a more applied, hands-on learning approach allowing the student to build on previous success to form new success.

Teacher Specialization

I have taught both math and science in both a brick and mortar and virtual setting. Specializing in the foundational level of classes, I find that I enjoy the entry level math classes and have used that preference to teach Algebra, Geometry, Developmental Algebra, and Credit Recovery Algebra and Geometry for the last 4 years with Highpoint Virtual Academy of Michigan. I have also taught physical science and biology as well as other life science and integrated science courses in past years.


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