Grade Levels
Middle School, High School
Tutoring Specialties
ADD & ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Learning Disabilities
Teaching has been my life since I decided it was going to be my career in high school where I was able to take a teaching class. I decided to focus on math specifically because I felt like there needed to be more and better math teachers out there. My favorite parts about teaching are building relationships with students, teaching them life lessons along with math, and watching them grow into societal ready students!
Teacher Specialization
Going into my 14th year of teaching, I have taught 8th grade through college level and that includes positions where I coteach with another teacher and students with disabilities. I taught in the brick and mortar classrooms until 2019 where I left to pursue other teaching options including a college adjunct professor. Then in 2020, I landed a job with K12. I have worked for three different virtual schools through K12 in Texas. I am currently at Texas Online Preparatory School.