Jennifer S.

5 years

Grade Levels

Middle School, High School

Tutoring Specialties

Learning Disabilities, ADD & ADHD


Hello! My name is Jennifer Snelling; I spent 4 years in K-12 teaching mainly upper elementary/middle grades mostly social studies and English language arts. I currently am in the higher education sector where I am teaching Psychology. My hobbies and interests include reading, writing, cooking, blogging, spending time with family and friends, and doing research. I chose to be a tutor because I want to spread the knowledge on to young minds who need the assistance. Students should be able to learn by having their needs identified in the areas that they are struggling and finding ways to rectify those struggling areas. Also, identifying students' learning interests and capitalizing on them in order to enrich what they have learned and what they want to learn more of. I hope to achieve helping the student gain more understanding of the subject area in terms of critical thinking, creativity, and increased satisfactory grades.

Teacher Specialization

I am currently a higher education instructor with 4 years of experience in K-12, in elementary and middle grades; I prefer to tutor students in secondary grades (6-12) in the subject areas of social studies and English Language Arts. However, I am certified in Middle Grades Language Arts, Middle Grades Social Studies, Secondary English, Secondary History, Secondary Geography, and Business Education.


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