Keith H.

2 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School

Tutoring Specialties

Autism, ADD & ADHD, Learning Disabilities


I am Keith Howard, and I can help you get a handle on academic subjects that may be a challenge. I believe that working through challenging material can be an exciting opportunity. I look for ways for us to move through the necessary parts of a subject and then create something fascinating. I always look for ways to bring our work back to something you’re interested in. My job is to steer the tutoring process so that you can feel a sense of confidence in approaching the subject ahead of you. I look for creative ways to explain something. I am a practicing artist and I have the way of looking at things that involves insight and creativity; I may wind up explaining something in a way that’s totally new.

Teacher Specialization

I hold a Masters degree in Architecture and a BA from Pomona College. I recently graduated from the Friends School post-baccalaureate Teacher Preparation Program. Experience: group intervention work, individual reading help all grades, tracking student reading goals and fulfillment thereof, evaluating and adjusting student reading levels, responding to GT student needs, crafting support for students with IEP, read alouds, classroom mathematics instruction, classroom literacy instruction.


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