Leigh C.

15 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School, High School

Tutoring Specialties

Dyslexia, Autism, Learning Disabilities, ADD & ADHD


For me, learning is all about taking things apart and breaking them into smaller chunks that are easier to understand. From there, we build new learning by finding the way those pieces fit back together. This is key because we are all capable of seeing these connections in a unique way! We build up once we’ve got a strong foundation. The process isn’t immediate, but it probably takes less time than you may expect. You’ll end up earning success and self-confidence that can be applied to more than just reading and writing. But for now, let’s start there. I specialize in literacy. From foundational phonics skills to college essay writing. I was so shy in elementary school that I had problems speaking in class. When you tutor with me online, we will work together to create a safe place where hate has no place and you won’t be judged. But you will be challenged. I really hope I get the chance to meet you! Let’s get started today and begin to unlock your greatness!

Teacher Specialization

My experience includes teaching Elementary and High School Literacy subjects and English as a Second Language. I am a trained academic interventionist and ELA specialist. I have a Master's Degree in Education and a BA in English Composition.


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