Marie M.

19 years

Grade Levels

Middle School, High School

Tutoring Specialties

Learning Disabilities, ADD & ADHD


Buenos dias! Bonjour! Goededag! My name is Marie Mason. I came to the United States in 1994 to teach Middle School English and Spanish. Over the last nineteen years, I have taught both middle and high school classes, which includes different levels of English, Spanish, and Math. My parents immigrated to Canada from Holland, so I speak some French and Dutch as well. I can definitely help with a beginning level French class. I retired from education in May to concentrate on my horse therapy business but I miss being in the classroom. I loved teaching and really cared about my kids, which then led me into counseling. Learning is not just about information. A student needs to know his teacher cares about his success and understands him as a person. We all have bad days and a teacher can make that better, if they are sensitive to the needs of their students. I also try to break things down and have a little fun along the way!

Teacher Specialization

I have taught 19 years total. I spent 15 of those years doing supplemental work as a homebound teacher, just because I loved going to their houses and getting to know them as people. It was awesome to help them be academically successful while they were dealing with medical struggles. I was a good candidate because of I am certified in English, Math, and Spanish, so those are some of the most difficult subjects to teach. I am very well rounded and concerned with the person as a whole.


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