Nathan W.

17 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School, Middle School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities


Success in the classroom is an attribute to hard work and the willingness to overcome your obstacles with a more positive outlook. Throughout my teaching, I have taught students from all walks of life. Never giving up on any student, no matter how difficult the circumstances were. In your next class, instead of saying "I can't", please start saying "I can". Through tutoring I hope to strengthen your student's ability to overcome his or her barriers. It is vital that each student is able to think aloud and honor their outcome. Building a strong bond between the tutor and the student is a key to academic success. Creating a positive environment throughout a session is a must. My name is Nathan Williams. I enjoy being out in the ocean, taking walks and absolutely adore my wife and two girls. I have traveled around the world to over 45 countries and have set foot on 5 continents. I chose to become a tutor because while growing up learning was not easy for me. If I did it, you can do it!

Teacher Specialization

I have been a certified teacher for 17 years in the state of California. I have also taught English as a second language in Seoul, South Korea. I currently hold a California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with a CLAD certificate. Over the years I also earned a Supplemental Credential in Introduction to Science.


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