Grade Levels
Middle School, High School
Tutoring Specialties
Learning Disabilities
Why do I teach? There is this moment when the students gets it. It’s called the AHA moment. Their eyes get twice as big and twinkle. Their mouths open wide...OHHHHHHH :) It’s that defining moment as to why I love to teach. Those moments builds confidence and character. In those moments, the student has overcome a challenge, and they are one step closer to realizing that anything they put their minds to is possible. One pedagogy I love using (and students enjoy) is called inquiry based learning. Its exploratory. It works exceptionally well with math because students use the basis of what they know to freely to think through the process (with a little guidance if needed). Most Importantly, I love my students. They learn to trust me and bond with me, and it makes for a wonderful student teacher relationship leading to student achievement. What I love: Yoga, books, YouTube, Instagram, Honey, Bees, Purple, Yellow, Rice, Watercolor Painting, Calligraphy, and Meditation.
Teacher Specialization
I have over 10 years of extensive experience in teaching/tutoring. I have worked with students from all walks of life.