Samantha H.

10 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities


Hi! I am Mrs. Henderson and I am looking forward to working with you during tutoring. I have been teaching students for the past ten years. I have worked with students of all abilities and challenges, - even in an online setting. School can be difficult, but it is my job as an educator to work with the student in a positive way so that they are able to succeed in life. I love having fun while teaching and providing a positive learning environment for my scholars. My strengths include third, fourth and fifth grade.

Teacher Specialization

I earned my Bachelors and Masters degree in Early Childhood Education (K-5). I have endorsements in Reading, Gifted Learners and ESOL. I have 10 years teaching experience (3rd all, 4th all, 5th all subjects), as well as 3 years Private Tutoring (all subjects 1st - 5th).


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