Sarah W.

12 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Learning Disabilities


Hello learner! Get ready to learn through song, motions, doodles and fun! I love incorporating the arts while we grow our brains. Learning new things and refining your skills should always be fun and rewarding. Get ready to use your whole body to engage in your studies! I am committed to improving your confidence in your weakest area. We can do this together!

Teacher Specialization

I started my teaching journey with 4 years of in-person tutoring and substitute teaching. Since then I have taught 8 years and counting in elementary public school (1st grade, 3rd grade and 5th grade). I have also served as a youth director and children’s minister in churches as well as directed afterschool chorus and musical theater programs. I have a passion for helping kids find their true potential and growing their confidence by utilizing their strengths!


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