Shameika B.

19 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities


Welcome! My name is Mrs. Wilson. I was born and raised in Flint, MI. My thoughts are that there is a better possibility of retaining information if we can try and touch on each of the 5 senses as we learn. I enjoy working closely with families on students progress and sharing extra tips they can use to continue learning at home. My goal is to strengthen the basic foundational skills that some students may have missed or lost during the pandemic. By focusing on this with families, we can strengthen the students esteem and feelings towards their school career. It is imperative that all of my students are comfortable when sharing their time with me. We will ensure this by simply communicating our needs at the start of each lesson by checking in and sharing the highlights of our day before delving into the lesson. I enjoy reading and spending time with my family. I love sunbathing and listening to natures music. I have recently delved into photography and I love it!

Teacher Specialization

In 2005, I completed my undergrad degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Language Arts at Oakland University. That same year I was hired as a kindergarten teacher back in my hometown. I received my Masters in Early Childhood at U of M-Flint. The last grade I taught was third grade. I have taught kindergarten, first, and third grade for 14 years. I was a home visitor for 5 years working directly with families who have children prenatal to entrance in kindergarten.


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