Emily H.

17 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School, Middle School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Autism


Hi! My name is Emily Howe and my students call me Mrs. Howe. Teaching and learning are what truly light me up in this life! I love spending time with my family, exploring in the outdoors, knitting, reading, and exercising. I'm a lefty, a Leo, and my favorite number is 8! I have an 8 year old daughter who is in the third grade. I am passionate about supporting students exactly where they are at. I'm skilled at seeing each individual for who they are. This includes recognizing the unique strengths and areas for growth that we each have. From this place I am able to teach students in a way that will best support what they are currently learning. I am a kind, patient, passionate teacher. I love cheering students on as they learn! Throughout, the last five years of my career as a teacher I have loved incorporating mindfulness breaks during the school day. I am excited about bringing mindfulness and specific breathing exercises to my tutoring sessions too!

Teacher Specialization

I have taught Elementary school for 17 years. During that time I have taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade with the majority of my years of experience being in 3rd grade. I graduated a Bachelor's of Science degree with a major in Educational Studies and a minor in Special Education in 2004 from the University of Oregon. A year later in 2005 I graduated with a M.Ed. degree. I will continue learning and growing throughout my life!


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