Harrison K.

3 years

Grade Levels

Middle School, High School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia


Hello, I'm Mr. Kane; for the last the last three years I lived and taught in a remote Eskimo village deep in the Alaskan tundra. I chose to tutor so that I can travel as a white water rafting guide/Ski instructor with my wife and twins! I was always quite pleased, as a philosopher, with the traditional rational of ELA: to develop an analytical mind capable of separating fact from fiction and fit for its civic duty. In other words, ELA is to voting as lifting weights is to sports. However, as a poet, It is my sincere belief that the deepest secrets of the human mind are found in great literature, and the expression of our souls is its highest purpose. There can be nothing on this earth more mysterious, perplexing, fascinating, delighting, and disturbing than the human mind, so come and explore the great medium of language, and see what secrets you can descry!

Teacher Specialization

I taught for three years at a village school in Aniak, Alaska. As one of only three or four teachers at the school, I taught a variety of subjects to about thirty Eskimos. I have a bachelors degree in Philosophy and another in Literature with a concentration in secondary education. My reading SAT scores were 99th percentile. I have taught the following classes: MS & HS Civics, MS & HS US Govt, ELA 7-12, Speech, Poetry, World literature, US literature, US history, Spanish, RTI, PE, AK history.


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