Grade Levels
Middle School, High School
Tutoring Specialties
ADD & ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Learning Disabilities
I believe in a my size fits me philosophy because all students learn differently. I believe that constructive feedback will allow a student to show a teacher or tutor what they are learning and will help the teacher or tutor understand the best way to instruct the student for success. I want to help students achieve levels of success (whether small or large) to prove that they can do what they do not think they can do. I want students to understand that I am committed to them as learners and as a human, so that they can be successful in life. I love building relationships with students and investing in what they are interested. I believe that creating a supportive environment helps build relationships with students that are meaningful and last a lifetime. I love learning from my students, and in my 15 years as a teacher I have learned more from students than I think they have learned from me. I love creating a fun learning environment for my students.
Teacher Specialization
I am a 15-year veteran English teacher, having taught grades 8-12. I have also taught all levels from inclusion (working specifically with ELL and IEP students), to AP English Language & Composition and AP Seminar. I have extensive work in helping students with written expression (researched arguments, literary analyses, and narrative writing), as well as curriculum development in Reading Comprehension for both literary and informational texts. 2015-2016 Teacher of the Year