Abby C.

7 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School

Tutoring Specialties

ADD & ADHD, Learning Disabilities


Hello! I live in central NJ with my husband and our two cats. I believe education is the best gift we can give the next generation. I also believe education is not a one-size fits all approach. Therefore, my teaching is focused on both explanatory and exploratory methods, as I believe that students learn best when they are involved and engaged. I adhere to the teaching model: I do, WE do, YOU do, which means I will never expect a child to independently grasp a concept without explicit instructions, ample opportunities for practice, and constructive feedback. I want my students to actively participate in learning while having fun! One of my biggest strengths is communication, so I promise to provide valuable feedback to all learning parties to convey progress and reach additional goals. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you!

Teacher Specialization

My teaching career launched in 2017 with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education. I am certified to teach all subjects for grades K-5. Public School Experience: (Kindergarten all, 1st Grade all, 3rd Grade all, 5 years Private Tutor (all subjects grades K-5). I also taught virtually during the COVID pandemic and discovered through that experience that I enjoy using technology to get my students involved. I have a strong passion for teaching literacy, specifically the science of reading.


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