Roberto C.

10 years

Grade Levels

Elementary School, Middle School


Every child can learn, it is just a matter of time, trust, and respect. My aim is to help each individual student succeed. In my opinion, success is not defined by grades. It is based on the progression one makes through hard work, guidance, and skill development. It is important to build a relationship of trust and respect. It is important to be genuine and caring. I have noticed that I have gotten the best out of the students when they realized how I believe in them and their potential. Trust is half the battle to success!

Teacher Specialization

I have over 10 years in the educational field, mostly at the elementary level. I have taught Bilingual education from kindergarten all the way through 8th grade. I have mostly taught Science, However, I have also taught ELA, Math, Social Studies, Writing, and Special Education.


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